About Us
It’s been seven years since I heard the dreaded words…you have breast cancer. At age 46, that was the longest year of my life. But I got through it. Now people ask me all the time, “Hey, my girlfriend just found out she has cancer, what can I do?” I immediately send a list of supplies that will help her friend get through it. When you go through Chemo you’re looking for anything to help ease your symptoms – from painful, blotchy skin to a cracked nose that hurts to touch. Unfortunately, the internet is full of problems and not a lot of solutions.
My friends and family were so wonderful. I was showered with gifts to help me get through it. I loved the movies and soft soaps, but there wasn’t anything that helped me ease some of my symptoms. So I would scour the internet for hours until I found something that would work.
Once through cancer, I started looking for complete chemo kits to see if they could help the next person with Cancer. But all the kits online are superficial – scarves, eye patches, books, etc. Maybe well-intentioned but not useful to ease the symptoms.
I decided to make my own kit. And the result is chemosucks.com. Chemosucks.com helps provide real-world products to help ease the pain for those you love that are struggling through chemo. I am not claiming these products will work for everyone, but they worked for me. Cancer affects everyone differently and I am sure there are different kinds of chemos that cause different reactions. But this stuff is the basics and everyone I send a kit to has success with at least some of the products.
And I want to be sure everyone gets some kind of relief! For every tenth chemo kit sold, one will be donated to the oncology group that helped me get through it at Fairview Hospital in Minnesota.
If you have any suggestions of products that worked for you, please let me know! I would love to research it and include it as an option. Or if you would like to donate, help or just spread the word, please contact me, Laurie Englert at laurie.englert@legrand.com. And, by all means, if you just want to write down the products and go buy them yourself, have at it. Our goal is to help anyone – everyone just get through it. Chemo sucks!
Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Due to availability, products may vary in brand and/or color.